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When "Pro-Science" Environmentalists Fall For Idiotic Technologies: Solar Roads Edition | Coyote Blo年底又到了交換禮物的高峰期,現在交換禮物很多人選擇惡搞方式,國外就有網友收到了朋友寄來的一個禮物,但是其實禮物跟你想的不一樣XDDDD神祕的禮物!原來是個鯨魚娃娃!還附上一張卡片呢!看這卡片感覺就不太妙阿......看來是好友間的默契,寄出禮物的人要收件者好好享受這個禮物吧XD這個網友相當清楚該怎麼This is a popular idea because it's an ostentatious display of environmentalism and it purports to solve the conflict between solar panel usage and land usage. It's become clear from large desert arrays and roof installations that solar panels take up sig...


Building a Solar Powered R/C car - Instructables - DIY How To Make Instructions還記得前陣子的「杜甫」很忙嗎?我們不禁感嘆學生們上課的專心程度,也對於這些惡搞創意感到驚奇! 而其他國家的學生,雖然畫功略遜(可能還是有專心上課...)但惡搞程度不下於杜甫系列! 大家都覺得上課好無聊XDDDDThis is my newly completed Solar RC Car. I built this car to spark interest in competing in a Solar Race in Summer 2009 in the U.S. This project us... ... Intro: Building a Solar Powered R/C car This is my newly completed Solar RC Car. I built this car to...


Solatube | Global Leaders in Tubular Daylighting Devices 神人老爸為了幫兒子慶生,超用心幫兒子畫了一部動畫當作生日禮物! 但這部動畫竟然是大家耳熟能詳的日本動漫《七龍珠》!!! 當然不會只有畫動畫這麼簡單而已,這位老爸竟然直接把自己和兒子都融入七龍珠世界去了, 簡直太神了!!!   動畫中的老爸跟兒子... 把七龍珠的畫風跟自己的特徵結合再一起Solatube Daylighting Systems (aka tubular skylights) provide energy efficient lighting by harnessing the power of the sun without its harmful side effects. ... Solatube products unite the sun with advanced engineering to bring beauty and comfort to your h...


DIYPC Solar-M1-R Black/Red SECC ATX Mid Tower USB 3.0 Gaming Computer Case w/ 2 x 120mm Red Fans ...  圖片來源:陳潭山FB、微博 雖然還不到深夜時間,不過現在要來獻上的是一位火辣辣又超級養眼的越南籍猛男麻豆-陳潭山(Chan Than San)>///<  會發現他的過程也很妙,因為格格是在韓國的網頁看到有網友說,這個男生整形後人生都逆轉勝了......  一查之下Buy DIYPC Solar-M1-R Black/Red SECC ATX Mid Tower USB 3.0 Gaming Computer Case w/ 2 x 120mm Red Fans with fast shipping and top-rated ......


universal bluetooth keyboard | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More | e   這幾天網路上也流傳了一位聽說整形相當成功且自然的案例喔! 以下就是她的整形實錄 ▼她就是從小懷抱著明星夢的雅英(아영) 圖片來自:  是個瘦瘦高高的女生,從以前就常常聽到人家稱讚她身材很好........ 圖片來自:http://goFind great deals on eBay for universal bluetooth keyboard universal tablet bluetooth keyboard. Shop with confidence. ... This is the median price based on sales of this product in the same condition from all listings on in the past 14 days, or if...


Energy Saver | Department of Energy  看多了形形色色的正妹,今天為大家介紹另一種「特色正妹」...... 最近韓國網友瘋傳一組正妹的照片~眼神迷濛又無辜,網友們都表示超正的耶!!! 可是...這位正妹的真相是.......(噓...)   被翻出身分證,發現他居然是個男的...(930408是生日,後面1開頭就代Save money and energy at home. Learn ways to save energy and use clean, renewable technologies at home. From the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency ......
