男子偷藏私房錢 被潑辣妻拿鈔票「巴頭」
Solution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 中國廣東廣州一名「吃軟飯」的男子因為偷藏私房錢,被富婆妻子發現,「悍妻」氣得當街拿一大疊人民幣怒打跪在地上的老公,以示懲罰。穿著低胸黑色洋裝,戴墨鏡、手攜名牌包包的的女子拿著厚厚一疊人民幣拍打跪在地上丈夫的頭:「「現在你膽子越來越大了,是不是?現在給我說清楚!」、「你看你頭髮掉得,都快光啦,你整天In chemistry, a solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of only one phase. In such a mixture, a solute is a substance dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent. The solvent does the dissolving. The solution more or less takes on the characteri...