Your Eyes - KidsHealth - the Web's most visited site about children's heal話說一堆閒來無事的老女人,談話的內容總是圍繞在男人的身上。有一天她們突發奇想,說要給男人的XX給取個小名,讓以後交談時方便使用。大家一致通過這點子。結果愛吃零食的 Ami 首先發難Ami 說:「男人的XX就是『口香糖』」大家問:「為什麼?」Ami 答:「使用前是直的,使用後是縮成一團的。」大家笑成一Ever wonder how your eyes work? This article for kids takes you from the pupil to the retina and beyond. ... Light, Lens, Action These next parts are really cool, but you can't see them with just your own eyes! Doctors use special microscopes to look at t...