somewhere in time 似曾相識 mp3

Somewhere in Time (1980) - IMDb   後面的可以等一下嗎?? 我不要當夾心麵包啊>Directed by Jeannot Szwarc. With Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour, Christopher Plummer, Teresa Wright. A Chicago playwright uses self-hypnosis to find the actress whose vintage portrait hangs in a grand hotel....


Official Somewhere In Time Website | Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour | Introduction  看到封面是不是.......   你以為真人演出的是........   最後登場的是.........                       &nbSomewhere In Time; starring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. Movie pictures, articles, and information. Join INSITE, the International Network of Somewhere In Time Enthusiasts, dedicated to this beautiful, romantic movie....


似曾相識——超越時空的姻緣 - 藝術人文社群網站.心靈小憩 貓咪:粗來(亂爪)狗狗:齁由,好啦(默默移動)「似曾相識」這部電影在1980年間轟動一時,因為它的主題曲實 在太優美了,當時大家對主題曲的狂熱,絕不輸給近二十年後的鐵達 尼號。不僅如此,「似曾相識」這部電影對一見鍾情似的愛情,也是 拍得既純真又唯美,它結局的無奈與淒美,觸及不知 ......


Official Somewhere In Time Website | Starring Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour       這店長也太聰明了吧!!        Somewhere In Time; starring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. Movie pictures, articles, and information. Join INSITE, the International Network of Somewhere In Time Enthusiasts, dedicated to this beautiful, romantic movie....
