Sones phons loudness decibel sone 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.5 - 0.6 define sone rating conversion dB level簡太太在第七胎時終於生了個兒子,便想要為他取個好名子,於是便去拜託一位很有名的姓名學師傅,見面的時候告訴姓名學師傅她兒子目前是「道」字輩,請師傅務必要取個有福氣的名字。 簡太太並包個大大的紅包給師傅,師傅收了紅包便很認真的從五行八掛、紫微斗數、天格、人格、地格、總格等等去算,終於找到了個「The loudness of N = 1 sone is equivalent to 40 phons, which is the loudness level of L N = 40 dB of a sine wave (sinusoid) with a frequency of f = 1000 Hz. Kurt Tucholsky: "Noise is the noise of others and one's dog makes no noise." "There are many kinds ...