嘶哈~日本網友票選5個「希望她永遠不要退役」的寫真偶像, 1 根本是人間胸器!
Amazon.com: Sony VPL-VW50 SXRD 1080p Home Theater Front Projector: Electronics ▲哪個才是你的菜呢?(source:左-twitter,右-twitter) 大家好,吉編又來了! 有網友在2ch上分享了「最喜歡的寫真偶像」這個主題,因此底下留言的網友紛紛祭出自己的D槽女神,看來即使沒有拍愛情動作片也能有自己的一片天啊! 以下是5個網友想對她們吶喊「Bring your entertainment to life with the VPL-VW50 high-definition front projector. It's packed with features like an advanced iris function, high contrast ratio of up to 15,000:1, and three SXRD 1920 x 1080 panels that provide Full 1080p resolution. An A...