sony 135 1.8 review : Sony SEL35F18 35mm f/1.8 Prime Fixed Lens : Camera Lenses : Camera & Photo▲喔喔喔~~(source:youtube下同)離開螢光幕兩年後,重新出發的吉高由里子,近日為宣傳新戲《東京忘想女子》,和大島優子、榮倉奈奈一起上日本的綜藝節目。只是這三名大咖女演員可能萬萬沒想到,當天所有的焦點完全被ㄋㄟㄋㄟ給搶去了... ▲重出江湖的三人 ▲製作單位安排日前超夯寫真女星天木純讓三High performance and a compact design make the SEL-35F18 an ideal “second lens” that is easy to carry around when capturing the action. It’s ideal for a wide variety of photos, including snapshots while strolling, night shots (thanks to the bright maximum...

全文閱讀 : Sony A77II Digital SLR Camera with 16-50mm F2.8 Lens : Camera & Photo  ( Sourse:youtube ),下同 近日網上流傳一部影片,影片用高速攝影機捕捉「子彈打向魯珀特之淚」的畫面! 你知道什麼叫做「魯珀特之淚」嗎?它是一種將熔化的玻璃靠重力自然滴入冰水中,形成如蝌蚪狀的玻璃珠。這種玻璃有著奇妙 的物理特性,玻璃珠本身就和實心玻璃沒什麼兩樣,它可以說Image Aspect Ratio 3:2, 16:9 Image Stabilization Sensor-shift Item Dimensions 4.09 x 3.19 x 5.63 inches Item Weight 1.43 pounds Lens Type Interchangeable Material Type Magnesium alloy Maximum Shutter Speed 1/8000 of a second Maximum horizontal ......


PSX Extreme - Sony PS3 News, cheats, reviews & more嗯,之所以不用「戰」或者「啪」是因為我怕被敏感詞。。。 野外·嘿嘿嘿,有種神奇的魔力,讓大家不惜冒着被看到、被舉報,以及各種蚊蟲叮咬跌打損傷,義無反顧地追求。。。 Buzzfeed做了份調查,問全世界最愛旅行的人們一個特別嚴肅的問題: 你們旅遊的時候,都在,什麼最瘋狂的地方,啪過。。。Around the clock Sony Playstation news coverage, featuring cheats, reviews, previews, downloads, wallpapers, screenshots, and more. ... PSX Extreme PSX Extreme is a video game website that covers Sony Playstation news 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In ......


Sony SRS-BTX500 Premium Bluetooth Wireless Speaker review - CNET▲不要想要亂騙人喔!(source:me下同) 日前有網友在爆廢公社po文表示自己平常愛喝的飲料「瑞穗咖啡牛奶」竟然有個天大的秘密,喝了這的多年才發現...「瑞穗咖啡牛奶」的字體怎麼會怪怪的...?網友看完大驚!「你觀察系的?」 網友發現包裝上的「咖啡」兩字竟然是寫著「口加口非」,但其實那並不是廠商A worthy peer to speakers by Bose and Jawbone, the Sony SRS-BTX500 is one of the best premium portable Bluetooth speakers you can buy. - Page 1 ... Connectivity includes an auxiliary input and USB charging port. Sarah Tew/CNET ......


Leica M240 vs M9 vs Sony A7R Lens Combination Review » D!RK▲有錢就把人當狗看?(source:靠北女友、southcn) 日前在臉書匿名社團靠北女友中有名自稱「收入不高」的男性一開頭就非常不客氣的把自己OL文職女友瘋狂幹譙一頓!裡頭講到許多次女友的收入完全跟不上自己的生活圈,並多次提及自己賺的錢只會拿來做他想做的事,叫女友別肖想他會送禮物等等...最後再以I have found the edges of the Sony a7r soft on all M-mount lenses less than 50 mm. My 50 f/2 Planar seems excellent, as does the 75 Summarit. I am most interested in the comment that the ZM 21mm f/2.8 had sharp edges. Were they as good as on the ......


Sony PS4 review | TechRadar - The latest technology news and reviews, covering computing, ho▲要跳也是我抱著你跳!(source:youtube) 臉書直播這功能讓人們可以分享自己生活中大大小小的事情,有人拿來分享快樂當然就有人拿來分享悲傷,日前香港一名性感嫩模Yoyo在臉書直播時向粉絲們哭訴,一把鼻涕一把眼淚的情緒數度崩潰... yoyo在直播中提到自己在香港打拼很辛苦,也說明了自己患有Sony PS4 review | Now a year old, the PS4 has sold 20 million units and it's the console to beat - so is it time to buy one? Reviews | TechRadar...
