sony 135

Sony單眼相機 - [長期分享]CARL ZEISS JENA SONNAR 3.5/135 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01大師....為什麼你要一直說阿彌陀佛呢??? 本文同步發佈於 以鵝傳訛 東蔡三寶之一 CARL ZEISS JENA DDR 135MM F3.5 前文有提及 東蔡三寶為Sonnar 135/3.5,Pancolar 50/1.8,Flektogon 35/2.4 定焦大光圈現在有PENTACON 頂著 廣角鏡在APS幅上 無法釋放廣角 還沒那麼急迫想入手...


Sony FE 28-135 F4 on A7s, Quick hands on test, IBC 2014 Amsterdam - YouTube看的到卻吃不到>I did a quick lenstest of the new Sony FE 28-135 F4 Power Zoom lens. It was on the Sony boot on the IBC show in amsterdam. I don't know if this was a prototype or final version. Please check more reviews if you have interest in this lens. Or rent it and t...


Sony unveils FE PZ 28-135mm F4 G OSS cinema lens: Digital Photography Review從此下不來了... Intrinsically f4 means that its going to be sharper then an f2.8 lens would be if both of them were stopped down to f5.6 or 8. With 9 or 11 blades or whatever it has, the out of focus areas will look nicer then with a canon lens stopped down. Sony are pro...
