不愧是「變形女郎」!"妮可拉佩茨" 清麗又前衛的多風格穿搭
Sony STC-7000 on thevintageknob.org - The Vintage Knob - Online vintage audio museum, forum and imag 看過變形金剛 4 的朋友們對於女主角妮可拉佩茨( Nicola Peltz )應該有很深的印象!清新脫俗的氣質宛如森林中的精靈般,加上不亞於前輩們的演技,年僅 19 歲就已經單挑大樑了!除了有著如精靈般的容貌外,她的穿搭也是有如魔法般的驚豔,有時走簡約清麗的vintage Sony's only pre-ceiver : an ST-5130 with a preamp section added, MOS-FET charged ! ... Sony's only "pre-ceiver", very much on the high-end side of things. One french catalog states that the FM ssection is derived from the ST-5000F and the preamp ....