Sony A100 - KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur (source:Twitter) 日本人到底為什麼可以產出這麼多奇怪的東西啦XDD 說到汙汙漫畫的話大家可能會先想到賣肉方面的,像是《監獄學園》、《惡魔高校DxD》這一類。不過今天要介紹的這部漫畫倒是沒什麼賣肉的鏡頭,但沒賣肉不代表不汙!根據日本網站ねとらぼ的報導,這部漫畫描寫的主角是一位「超愛開Sony A100 © 2006 KenRockwell.com If I bought one I'd get it here, here or here INTRODUCTION Some people forget that I'm a photographer, not a camera reviewer. I can't review everything. I only have the time to review what I might want ......