Sony A33, A55 and A55V - KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur 這位16歲的越南拳擊正妹「Khả Ngân」黎顏擁有天使般的笑容啊!! 但是不可能!!這麼可愛的女生怎麼可能會打拳擊!!! 不~~這不是我知道的越南女生..... 靠~~我真的戀愛了~~好可愛喔 而且很有親和力的樣子!! ▼另外這位越南正妹3歲時就會游泳,熱愛運動,她的目標是將來成為專This new Sony A55 is a taste of the future. I'll usually mention the A55, however, the Sony A33, Sony A55 and Sony A55V are the same thing. The A55V adds a built-in GPS, just like the iPhone and iPod touch. The A33 is the same thing as the A55, with a few...