Sony A33, A55 and A55V - KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐(・´з`・) 上次為大家介紹過超擬真、超火辣的「愛愛娃娃」!要價50萬台幣的她,不但有體溫,而且還可以有這樣的感受... 不過...這種價錢不是每個人都可以消費得起吧? 如果你想嘗試看看這樣超像真人的娃娃,在西班牙巴塞隆納就有這種愛愛娃娃妓院! ▼超擬真娃娃 (This new Sony A55 is a taste of the future. I'll usually mention the A55, however, the Sony A33, Sony A55 and Sony A55V are the same thing. The A55V adds a built-in GPS, just like the iPhone and iPod touch. The A33 is the same thing as the A55, with a few...