Sony A7/A7R Metabones Adapter Review for Canon and Nikon to E-Mount - YouTube作者:英國那些事兒 原文標題:爸媽年輕時跟你現在有多像?國外這群網友,真的只差一個複製粘貼... 你長得最像你家的哪位長輩? 爸爸媽媽?爺爺奶奶?外婆外公? 有沒有被人說過自己跟某位家人簡直是一個模子裡刻出來的? ……Disclaimer: I work for Sony but am not a representative of the company A7/A7R Metabones Adapter Review for Canon and Nikon to E-Mount The A7/A7R Metabones Adapter Review for Canon and Nikon to E-Mount is finally here and I had a good amount of time to tes...