Sony A7 vs. A7R Hands-on Review - YouTube 今天故事的主人公是他, Neven Ciganovic,今年45歲,來自克羅地亞, 他是一名造型師,也是一位真人秀節目嘉賓… 雖然已經快50歲了,但Neven非常注重自己的外貌保養, 在他的社交賬號上,人們總能看到他健碩「銷魂」的一面… 時而耍耍酷&helSony has released a full-frame mirrorless camera, two in fact: the alpha a7 and a7R (http://bit.ly/sonyA7s). One has 24-megapixels the other 36-megapixels, but there are more differences - which one is right for you? Pricing Reference: Sony A7: http://www...