Sony A77 | Sony Alpha A77 camera news – specs, price, reviews, video ▲這個新郎前來迎娶新娘,卻受到丈母娘的種種刁難。(source:660706,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 根據660706分享,這是一件震驚許多網友的報導,很多人都認為男生本就該寵愛女生,有時候稍微忍一下,方為人上人~但是如果這次對象換成了是女生的媽媽,男生還會剩下多少的風度呢?小Sony Alpha A77 Camera News, Reviews, Prices, Video, Where To Buy. ... The shortage of available A77s caused by the flooding in Thailand earlier in the year means that used A77s are appearing at prices above the recommended retail, and it looks as if some ...