sony alpha rumors a99ii

Sony Alpha A99II | Camera News at Cameraegg中國網路上流傳著一張圖:“我終於知道為什麼大家都想當醫生了” 看完覺得....好像真的不錯??? After Sony A77II was announced several days ago, there will be two more A-mount DSLR Cameras to be announced in 2014 according to rumors. One is Sony A88, the other is Sony A99II. Both of these cameras are full frame sensor. Read More »...


Rumor | Sony Alpha Blog最近中國網路流傳一張圖,標題是“現在的社交軟體上色狼好多阿...” 不過看一下被色狼纏上的人,看來一山還有一山高.... XDDD ---Sony is rumoured to be readying a new A-Mount (A99II) that will likely be announced by the end of April (23 Apr 15 @ 14:30 UTM). This camera will not be the 50.1 mp juggernaut that other rumor sites have been predicting. It will possibly be the A99II repl...


The Photokina rumors so far: Light field camera, RX1s curved sensor, A99II, FE Zeiss, FF E-mount, A5下面的故事我對這位老兄能深表同情,同樣告誡大家,千萬不要把車開到海灘上,即使是越野車。有車的朋友可要記牢了,否則後果自負。   1. 在沙灘上玩車絕對是個錯誤的選擇   2. 大哥很無奈,和愛車最後留個紀念吧     3. 海水開始漲潮了   &nb6 weeks to go until the big Photokina event and it's time to sum up the rumors about the next Sony products. Please note that some of these rumored products may be announced a couple of [...] ... Join our new forum! To discuss all the Sony Alpha news join...


Sony A88 and A99II Coming Soon « NEW CAMERA 關於女人貞潔觀的出現,到底是不是社會的進步,我想沒有必要再去討論了。從人性的角度看,貞潔觀是造成古代寡婦悲慘命運的主要罪魁之一,應該不會有人反對。由於貞潔觀的出現,寡婦們只能望“性”興嘆,難奈的寂寞和感情的饑渴,無時無刻不在折磨著她們,導致形成了中國歷史上一個非正常人格的特According to latest rumors surfaced over the web Sony may announce two new fullframe camera this year, the first model will be A88 - entry level model and another one is A99 II ......
