sony blu ray player usb Sony BDPS5500 3D Blu-Ray Player with Wi-Fi (2015 Model): Electronics這兩間寺廟會不會想改名       Inputs/Outputs: 1 HMDI, 1 USB, 1 Coaxial, 1 Ethernet 300+ streaming apps: Netflix,YouTube,Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video & more, Mirror your Android compatible mobile devices screen on your TV with Miracast technology, Stream and enjoy PlayStation 3 ......

全文閱讀 Sony BDP-S185 Blu-Ray Disc Player (2012 Model): Electronics 蕉:美女們,我給你們看一樣東西~女:好呀!-------蕉:哇哈哈!女:哇呀! ! ~~~~  USB Input Share your videos and photos on the big screen or listen to your favorite music on the Sony BDP-S185. Simply connect your digital camera, USB-enabled MP3 player, or USB storage device to the convenient front USB slot. Socialize With the Sony BDP...


Sony BDP-S480 3D-Blu-ray-Player (USB, HDMI, Upscaling 1080p, WiFi ready) schwarz - YouTube    真得很多梗...mehr Details Sony BDP-S480 3D-Blu-ray-Player (USB, HDMI, Upscaling 1080p, WiFi ready) schwarz • 2D/3D Blu-ray Player mit integriertem BRAVIA Internet Video • Unterstützte Formate: JPEG (BD, DVD, CD, USB, DLNA), MP3...


sony blu ray player | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More | e      便宜又實用阿!!Find great deals on eBay for sony blu ray player sony blu ray player wifi. Shop with confidence. ... This is the median price based on sales of this product in the same condition from all listings on in the past 14 days, or if there are any insuf...


Blu-ray disc won't play on Blu-ray player - Sony's Community Site 七龍珠 萌版? I have the problem mentioned above on my new BDP-S390 (2 months old). I checked the firmware (update via Internet reports it is up to date) and have no USB key inserted. It won't play discs that it played only a few days ago. In one case it displays the i...


Blu-ray disc won't play on Blu-ray player - Page 3 - Sony's Community Site 寶貝~我有話要對你說,你用手檔住圖片的上半部分,剩下的就是我要對你說的話...遮掉上半部…下半部是I love you...懂了嗎?  If you are having problems playing a blu-ray disc is your blu-ray player, try the following. 1) Check the firmware-make sure you have the lat... ... The Sony BDV-N990W can’t play Blue-ray Disc "Avatar extended edition release” with the current firmware “B...
