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Tablets & Readers - Mobile Sony Store - Sony CA 【 JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此 】 如果你知道街拍大師  Scott Schuman 的話,那他出版的街拍聖經 The Sartorialist 你不可能不知道,但是你可能會覺得奇怪這位能登上 The Sartorialist 一書封面的女生是誰,她是來自紐約白原市的 Ni’Love What You're Listening To Listen to movies, music and more the way they were meant to be heard with uncompromising audio, delivered loud and clear by Sony, the original experts in portable sound. Your favorite playlists, blockbuster soundtracks and sp...


Sony Centre for the Performing Arts - Official Site 雖然近期發生這波震驚亞洲演藝圈的新聞消息,除了大肆撻伐、抨擊等,想必大家都已看膩聽膩這則報導,不如我們換點正面的走向去看,給一點點溫度、給一點點溫暖,看看新聞同時我們也許可以用不一樣的角度看待,大家或許給他一些鼓勵與勇氣吧! 此回事件雖為不良示範,但每個人看法不盡相同,也許事實真相明顯殘The Sony Centre for the Performing Arts is Canada’s largest soft-seat theatre. The Sony Centre opened as the O’Keefe Centre on October 1, 1960, and has played host to a tremendous variety of international attractions and stars....


SONY PICTURES 位於紐約曼哈頓與布魯克林區的 Governors Island 總督島,對紐約人來說確實是個度假天堂的秘密勝地!島上的沙灘、綠地、建築以及定期展演的文創藝術活動讓每年夏日週末的總督島總是擠爆人潮,想要愜意地橫躺在草皮抑或漫步在沙灘上享受陽光、微風等,對紐約客來說是一個非常推薦的週末好去處© Sony Pictures Canada Inc. All Rights Reserved Movie Times by
