Amazon.com : Sony DSC-HX50V/B 20.4MP Digital Camera with 3-Inch LCD Screen (Black) : Point And Shoot 刺青文化時常被許多人質疑,「你老了以後這些刺青該怎麼辦?」 但是看完這幾張性格「成熟照」後,你可能會有所改觀,事實上,刺青並不只是一種耍狠或是潮流而已,對許多人而言,刺青是一種記錄歲月的方式,許多人在追逐目標或理想的過程中,常常在身上做一個記號以示提醒或鼓勵;也有人希望在身上留下特別的圖案來紀念某A+ DSC-HX50V Take hold of the textured grip and capture your next adventure with ultra-sharp precision. Not only does this compact, 20.4MP beauty deliver an impressive 30x optical zoom, action shots appear clearer thanks to advanced 3-way image stabilizat...