Amazon.com : Sony DSC-RX1/B Cyber-shot Full-frame Digital Camera : Point And Shoot Digital Cameras :【啥叫白領?】 今天發了薪水,還了貸款,交了房租、水電煤氣費,買了油、米和泡麵,摸摸口袋剩下的錢,感嘆一聲:這月工資又白領了。 【啥叫藍領?】 工頭說快到發工資的時間了,一算自己的住宿費,伙食費,誤工費,醫藥費,還欠老闆100多,也就懶得去領了,叫藍領! World's first fixed lens 35mm camera. For a more in-depth look, check out the DSC-RX-1 brochure . From the Manufacturer A+ We've made the impossible possible. Once considered merely a dream is now a reality that can sit in the palm of your hand. Introduci...