Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W120 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech ne我的很多男讀者自詡為好人,可是感情路上卻坎坎坷坷,除了得到一大堆好人卡可以打桌遊之外,幾乎沒撈到甚麼甜頭,跟那些瞎咖爛咖比起來,他們總是氣憤地說,反正男人不壞女人就是不愛,好像女人天生犯賤,天堂有路我不走,地獄有淫蟲我偏要行。 其實各位親愛的男士們,這題自古以來你們其實是一知半解的,沒錯,從外在看來Sony packs a surprising number of features and color choices in its Cyber-shot DSC-W120, a 7-megapixel shooter that teeters on the fence between budget and fashion. It lacks some of the features of the Cyber-shot T- and higher-end W-series cameras, but of...