史上最不可思議的追尾事故,一個 Move 震懾全公路!俄羅斯戰鬥民族神蹟又一枚
Sony DT 11-18mm lens tested with Sony Alpha DSLR-A100 full review Cameralabs introduction 行車紀錄器捕捉到的怪奇景象持續以光速不斷地擴增中,但下面這支推薦給大家看得絕對是極品中的極品! 在戰鬥民族俄羅斯的街頭,一輛高速行駛的機車因為前方汽車切換車道而閃避不及,幾乎沒有減速的「追尾」狠撞上去,衝擊力之強不僅機車支離破碎,駕駛也整個人凌空飛了起來...但下一瞬間發生的事情真的只能說一聲『哇Sony DT 11-18mm intro The DT 11-18mm is the widest angle Sony zoom for Alpha DSLRs. Offering an equivalent range of 16.5-27mm, it delivers ultra-wide to standard wide-angle coverage and is compatible with both cropped-frame Alpha DSLRs and the earlier ......