Sony E-Mount 16-70mm f/4 OSS Zeiss Lens Review – SEL1670z | SonyAlphaLab.com自從IG盛行後,全球都在瘋美圖,不少人也從IG中進階成名人,手牽手各國旅行的情侶黨,食物照,晴時有雨偶陣雨的多愁善感人物照,高空俯瞰照等。於是更讓人好奇,那些美圖到底是怎麼拍的? 終於有良心人研究出來,並把方法PO到網上分享,人人都有機會成為IG大師了!! 圖片翻攝 下同/BLOG &The bottom line for the Sony E-mount 16-70mm f/4 OSS Zeiss Lens review is I highly recommend it! It totally holds up to the Zeiss badge and you get what you pay for in build quality, design, and most importantly, performance. For ~$998 US you get an all-i...