8張男生看完後「發誓這輩子都不會再相信女生」的超扯晃點照! 8 巨乳竟然是腳夾出來?!
Amazon.com : Sony VAIO SVF1432ACXB 14-Inch Touchscreen i7 Laptop : Computers & Accessories ▲現代女生為了讓照片看起來更加吸引人,常常煞費苦心。(source:ebaumsworld,下同) 現代女生在網路上發照片都越來越講究,不但臉蛋要漂亮、身材要美,更要巨乳!根據ebaumsworld報導,其實網路上許多女生拍出來的照片,不再只是修瘦、小臉而已,由於現代崇尚VAIO Fit Laptop Work, play or do a little of both with the laptop that's flexible enough for everyone. Whether Full HD touchscreens are your thing you prefer to use just the keyboard, there's a choice just for you. From built-in subwoofers and ClearAudio+...