強者我老爸 XD|小百合
.DBK File Extension - Sony Ericsson Backup File Photo credit: 浦公英 =================== 因鄉民要求我決定出賣我老爸百合爸是個非常誇張的人,基本上我到現在還搞不太懂他的思考邏輯可以爆的料實在太多,分段寫 XD啊,附帶一提,我爸雖然是個怪咖,不過他絕對是一個滿分的好醫生。他在phoneMiner lets you to extract, view and export the data from your phone backup files, allowing you to retrieve previously inaccessible data. View your Contacts (Address book), SMS messages, Emails, Calendar, Memos, Tasks, Call log, Photos, Movies and mor...