幹嘛活到 85歲
PMW-EX3 (PMWEX3) : Product Overview : United Kingdom : Sony Professional幹嘛活到 85歲? 有個65歲的老頭子,拿著全部過關的健康檢查報告,頗滿意的問醫生:「以65歲的年紀來說,已經挺不錯了吧?你覺得我可以活到85嗎?」醫生問:「我不知道 --- 你喝不喝酒、抽不抽煙、嗑不嗑藥.....???!!!」老先生回答:「對!除了上教堂、聖誕節偶爾喝點紅酒,20多歲後XDCAM EX - New Generation HD Recording System The PMW-EX3 follows on from the successful launch of the new PMW-EX1 and offers all the great features of the PMW-EX1 in a ... Sky creates 3D for TV with Sony cameras Launching Europe’s first 3D TV ......