Sony Walkman F800 Preview - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news有人說男人很專一,從18到80始終喜歡18歲的小姑娘。奶茶妹被娶走的新聞,讓有人放言:你不努力,你女兒將被同齡人抱著; 你努力,你可以抱著同齡人的女兒。一大波爸爸們的心被傷害了有沒有? via 下同 其實,爸爸們根本不用揪心,因為男人最大的成功不在於是不是能泡到比你女兒還小的姑娘,而是Just when you thought Sony had moved on from music players, the company has revived its venerable Walkman line with the F800 and E470. ... Senior Managing Editor Kent German leads the CNET Reviews editors in San Francisco. A veteran of CNET since ......