Sony Cybershot DSC-F828 Review: Digital Photography Review 今天要介紹一個天才美少女, 16歲的白石阿島(Ashima Shiraishi)。 這個名字,人們可能從來沒聽說過, 但她在全世界的攀岩圈子裡,可以說是鼎鼎大名。 白石阿島是世界上第二個完成攀岩難度等級5.14d/5.15a的女性,那年,她13歲... 她Review based on a production Cybershot DSC-F828 The Cybershot DSC-F828 was announced on 15th August, this new camera is very obviously a development of the DSC-F717 design. Just under a year since the F717 and Sony's flagship prosumer ......