Sony DSC-H70 Review: Express Review - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resource ▲港星周星馳雖然赫赫有名,現在卻退隱幕後。(source:ndtv,下同) 大家還記得去年向太炮轟周星馳而引起的軒然大波嗎?雖然事件已然謝幕,但卻有很多人在討論,周星馳究竟是不善交際還是人品有問題? 根據ndtv報導,周星馳現實中的性格跟電影裡剛好相反。戲裡他說話很快,Sony DSC-H70: Light and easily pocketable, the Sony H70 has a good-quality G-series lens, Sweep Panorama mode, and produces a... ... On the top of the camera you'll find an on/off button (also very flush with the camera but more responsive) a shutter butt...