MDR-10R : MDR-10 Headphones : Headphones : Sony Australia 1 月9 日,房祖名容留他人吸毒一案一審判決,他被處以六個月有期徒刑,並處以2 千元罰金,將於在2 月13 日出獄。記者連線房祖名經紀人朱先生,他表示成龍與林鳳嬌尊重司法判決,但房祖名現在尚未出來,「畢竟天下父母心,一定The new MDR-10R is the perfect balance of style and substance, combining a lighter, streamline design with the power of High-Resolution Audio. The addition of super soft ear cushions ensure you can look forward to hours of absolute listening pleasure....