sony mdr z1000 pha 1

MDR-Z1000 | ヘッドホン | ソニー 但是小姐,你也吃太多了吧!ソニー ヘッドホン 公式ウェブサイト。ヘッドホンMDR-Z1000の商品ページです。 ... ヘッドホン部 *1 型式 密閉ダイナミック型(耳覆い型) ドライバーユニット 50mm、ドーム型(HD、OFCボイスコイル)...


MDR-Z1000 : Sound Monitoring Headphones : Headphones : Sony Asia Pacific = =" 讀到死也讀不完!Designed with musicians and audio professionals in mind, the MDR-Z1000 headphones deliver highly accurate sound and provide supreme acoustic isolation with a full range of innovative and quality audio technologies....


Archived PHA-1 : Portable Headphones Amplifiers : Headphones : Sony Singapore 休息一下! > Designed for music lovers, the PHA-1 headphone amplifier enhances sound quality effectively when used with portable audio players or smart phones, allowing users to enjoy a great listening experience. It is an ideal portable audio accessory for users on t...


MDR-1ABT : MDR-1 Headphones : Headphones : Sony Asia Pacific 這也太...MDR-1A Standard Headphones ... Features Powerful 40mm HD drivers deliver authentic sound Aluminum-coated Liquid Crystal Polymer Diaphragms for absolute clarity S-Master digital amplifier and DSEE take you closer to the original studio recording...

全文閱讀 • 檢視主題 - [春のヘッドホン祭2015:照片+簡易聽感速報]AZ孤獨象牙塔        阿伯: 其實我的站已經過了....  xkagami 寫:感謝分享 小弟就默默的等下一代開放式旗艦/次旗艦吧 坐等az大的msr7聽感 MSR7的聽感極為類似ATH-M50 就三頻算均衡,密閉感稍重,高頻較為刺耳人聲有齒音,音場中小型 跟MDR-1R比的話我覺得一長一短,音響性差不多看調音取捨...


Archived MDR-1RMK2 : MDR-1 Headphones : Headphones : Sony Singapore   (禽人節不是我的節...)Introduce the perfect mix of breakthrough audio technology, maximum comfort and sophisticated design. MDR-1RMK2 lets you experience sheer audio bliss with liquid crystal polymer film diaphragm, impressive bass sounds with beat response control and ......
