How to Fix MTP USB Device Driver Problem in Windows 7公主問題一大堆 (圖片來源:https://pixabay.com) 圖說:公主問題一大堆,但她想要的,真的很簡單... 「你愛我嗎?」 「有多愛?」 「愛多久?」 問題分析: 女孩子問這樣的問題,無他就只是想聽聽你對她說甜言蜜語,不知道其他女孩是不是跟啾啾妹一樣,好事記How to Fix MTP USB Device Driver Problem in Windows 7 I just bought a new mobile phone “Sony Xperia S” a few months ago. Tonight this was my first time tried to connect my mobile phone to my computer. Under normal conditions, the USB device should be ......