Windows 7 MTP USB Device Failed-FIX | Sony Ericsson Xperia Play | XDA Forums每每颱風過境之後,有許多車主的愛車皆不幸成了泡水車,若泡水程度嚴重的話,往往就會決定直接以超低價折賣給新車業者或是中古車商,而換購一部新車或二手車,於是這些泡過水的車輛最終仍會紛紛流入中古車市場,成為下一任無辜車主的座駕。 泡水車檢驗3大重點 味道、水痕、泥巴 如果你不想成為泡水車的車主,就必須把握And it still didn't work for me - i.e. I'm still getting the MTP USB failure. By the way - users of this command should be made aware that running it has SERIOUS security implications - if you're running this command your system must be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN...