sony nex 3n 3f比較

Sony單眼相機 - 後NEX時代來臨 Sony A5000 - 相機 - Mobile01  XDDD  拍攝畫面 A5000繼承著NEX的拍攝畫面,按下方向鍵中的「上」就可以在三種不同顯示模式下拍照。但比較可惜的是A5000並不具備電子水平儀。 選單畫面 A5000在選單做了非常微幅的調整,設計了新的主選單樣式。...


Sony NEX-3N Review - Image Quality | PhotographyBLOG     Nokia在我們心中依然不死!!!!Expert review of the Sony NEX-3N camera with sample photos, test shots, videos and more... ... JPEG RAW ISO 200 (100% Crop) ISO 200 (100% Crop) ISO 400 (100% Crop) ISO 400 (100% Crop) ISO 800 (100% Crop) ISO 800 (100% Crop) ISO 1600 ......

全文閱讀 : Sony Alpha a5000 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm OSS Lens (Black) : Camera & Pho 蒐集....XD          Capture amazing detail with the 20.1MP camera than anyone can use. with its self-portrait-friendly zoom lever and 180 Degree-tilting screen that lets you see the shots as you take them, this camera makes quality photography look easy. Ready to share these...


單純妄想敗家相機.Sony Alpha 5100 @ I'm何阿呱 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::        愛跟恨一體兩面的阿!!    呱子常常在尋覓相機 曾經的選擇為:EX2F、Nex-F3..... F3現在完全已經消失匿跡了啊啊啊 之後有出了後繼機種3N 但我也忘記為什麼遲遲沒有入手了 (還不就是因為沒錢咩 ......


Compact Camera Meter - Camera Size Comparison阿~~~XDDDDCompare unlimited number of cameras with lenses, see how compact or bulky a camera is and sort by height, width, depth and weight. ... Share this link with your friends. This will direct them straight to this specific comparison....
