第八代 VW GOLF GTI 將改用油電?
Sony NEX-5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGoTrueCar! Volkswagen 日前剛拿下全球銷量第一,目前旗下最受關注的車款就是經典Golf車系,而第八代Golf,預計最快將在2019年登場發表,但據國外消息指出,第八代Golf將可能不再是傳統燃油動力。 第八代Golf 早已在開發階段,而性能車款GTI將會以2.0升渦輪增The Sony NEX-5 is an entry level digital camera launched on 11 May 2010. [1] It is a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera with the body of a common point-and-shoot camera but with a sensor size (APS-C) comparable to that of some digital single-lens refl...