Sony Alpha NEX-C3 review - Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features “租妻”在泰國非常普遍,很多老外到泰國來都會尋找他們心目中漂亮的當地黑女孩作為臨時老婆,美其名曰“黑珍珠”。亞洲女性的長相本身在老外眼裡本身就具有一種獨特的魅力。那些臨時“妻子”多為年紀很輕的女孩子,她們不但要儘妻子應儘的所有Hardware If you currently own an NEX-3 or NEX-5, there really isn't any need to upgrade to the NEX-C3. As can be expected after a year on the market, the NEX series is now more polished, though most of these improvements are cosmetic. To say that the NEX-...