Sony details PlayStation 4 specs: 8-core AMD 'Jaguar' CPU, 6X Blu-ray 聽說這款女生才是男生的最愛?其實妝妹或乖乖牌男生都不愛? 編覺得自然不做作的女生還是最吸引人! 是真的嗎? 馬上來看看他的照片~ 1編覺得笑起來眼睛不見的女生超~~~可愛的! 編覺得很可So we didn't see the actual PlayStation 4 console on stage at Sony's press event tonight, but that doesn't mean we can't know what's inside it. A press release reveals that the PS4's PC-like configuration will include an 8-core 64-bit x86 "Jaguar" CPU bui...