烏克蘭木匠巧奪天工 雕出木頭手錶
Sony Playstation games, news, reviews, videos and cheats - GameSpot 烏克蘭木匠達尼維奇 (Valerii Danevych) 從小就對各式木雕著迷,曾試著用頭髮做弦,做出一個 3 公分長的超迷你吉他。 2005 年開始,從未接受過鐘錶訓練的他再向難度挑戰,以一雙巧手雕出各個零件,然後裝上唯一的金屬配件:彈簧,造出一支極其美觀又準確的手錶。木製錶帶、木Until Dawn Sony Files Another Trademark for Horror Game Until Dawn A trademark has surfaced for Until Dawn, the game announced in 2012 for the PlayStation 3 and PS Move, indicating that it has not been canceled. Jul 7, 10:51am...