Sony details final PlayStation 4 tech spec • Eurogamer.net哭的時候沒人哄,我學會了堅強;怕的時候沒人陪,我學會了勇敢;煩的時候沒人問,我學會了承受;累的時候沒人可以依靠,我學會了自立......就這樣我找到了自己,原來我很優秀,更可貴的是,世界上,我只有一個,只有一個我!漸漸地,我成熟了,知道了人是被逼出來的,只有壓力才有動力,因為沒有更大的不如意,所以現Sony has revealed the full spec for the PlayStation 4 after its crowd-pleasing showing at E3, giving us additional details that bring us a step closer to un… ... So with the PS4 hardware specs mostly done and dusted, the only real questions remaining conc...