KEF Q100, Q300, Q500 & Q700 Loudspeaker Review by Movement Audio (Poole & Salisbury) - YouTube 原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 在天天都要上班的狀況下,還在看著像豬一樣的上司, 真的是非常煩的事 (´・_・`) (咲櫻:BOSS 你怎麼一臉怒容的看著我 …啊~~) 這時咲櫻就會想如果上司是某個動漫角色該有多好呀 (๑&bulhttp://movement-audio.co.uk/kef_q700.htm Short review of the KEF Q100, Q300, Q500 & Q700 Loudspeakers by Matt Scott at Movement Audio in Poole, Dorset. For further information on this product, or any other products in the HiFi & Home Cinema world please d...