Sony Cyber-shot RX10 Vs Sony Cyber-shot R1 Comparison Review故事工廠《偽婚男女》舞台劇20日起進行一連四場的台北首演演出,該劇由金鐘影后王琄、楊麗音以及唐振剛、王承嫣(小蠻)、王樂妍、福地祐介、李德筠在舞台上譜出一段暖心的家庭喜劇,該劇描述同志假結婚議題,過程中笑中帶淚,其中王琄一句「難道我們要假裝一輩子嗎?」 觸動台下觀眾心弦,原來劇中有一場戲唐振剛、福地We travel back through time to take a look at the original large sensor bridge camera, the Sony Cyber-shot R1, and compare it to the new RX10. ... The lowest matching ISO setting of both cameras is ISO200, so we have shown this as a comparison. The highes...