Amazon.com : Sony DSC-RX100/B 20.2 MP Exmor CMOS Sensor Digital Camera with 3.6x Zoom : Point And Sh當愛情遇上錢 了解16型金錢性格,不再為錢吵架 《30》雜誌 文│王妍文 攝影│關立衡、林育緯 版面設計│彭修浚 于美人婚變風波延燒近2個月,她與夫婿James隔空溝通,不時出現許多關鍵字「男方失業」、「家用負擔」、「5億資產」、「6000萬教育費」等,婚變鬧得沸沸揚揚,Exquisite image quality and creative freedom in a truly compact package. For razor-sharp images and pro-quality defocused backgrounds, the RX100 features a large, 1-Inch sensor and an ultra-bright Carl Zeiss/1.8 lens. It also features a handy control ring...