sony sacd player 2013

Sony SCD-XA9000ES SACD player | 在這個又熱又悶的夜晚突然想喝西瓜牛奶然後又沒有果汁機於是乎女學生 ............↓↓↓ 好笑記得把笑聲傳給大家^^ 分享~Sony's first flagship Super Audio CD player was the two-channel SCD-1, reviewed by Jonathan Scull in November 1999. (The $5000 SCD-1 had balanced outputs; the cosmetically different but otherwise identical $3500 SCD-777ES had unbalanced outputs and was re...


TEAC AL-3000 Int. Amp/CD-3000 SACD Player - Best Kept Secrets of Fine Audio w/Lawrence Mittler - You據英國《每日郵報》報導,32歲的洛杉磯女孩林登・沃爾波特斥資1萬英鎊)為自己訂製了一套美人魚服裝,像一條真正的美人魚那樣不借助任何潛水設備,在浩瀚的海洋裡與鯨、水母甚至是凶猛的鯊魚同游,以喚起人們對海洋生物的保護意識。林登通過朋友結識好萊塢特效藝術家阿倫 霍爾特幫忙制作魚尾。這條6英尺(1.8米)長Lawrence reviews the build and features of the TEAC AL-3000 Integrated Amplifier and the matching TEAC CD-3000 SACD Player. This incredible duo performs flawlessly and has pro features not found on on hi-end audio gear in this price range....


Audiophile Turntable Reviews, CD players, CD transports, SACD player reviews, DACs, Tuners, USB conv據英國《每日郵報》消息稱,印度尼西亞一動物園內,攝影師偶然發現兩隻水獺在水內打架打地不亦樂乎,仔細觀察後才發現,兩隻水獺不僅爭食物還在爭領地。Sony is one of the companies that's currently leading the charge to encourage music lovers to embrace hi-res music products and content. Sean Killebrew spent some time with the HAP-S1 music player and server and came away extremely impressed. Read More...
