Sony DSC-T700 Review - Overview - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resource搭飛機確實是比坐火車聽起來要富貴得多,不過如果你以為多花點銀兩就可以享受到星級水準的服務,那小編只能說你太天真啦,選中以下這幾家航空公司,打開餐盒,保證你的優越感蕩然無存哦。 1. 新加坡航空: 瘦肉粥 由名廚主理的新加坡航空公司其實飛機餐做得並不差,按照目的地來制定餐單的特色服務讓它Review of the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T700 digital camera, with actual sample images, and a detailed data sheet. ... The Sony T700's lens does exhibit strong chromatic aberration at both ends of the zoom range as well as very soft corners. But its resolution ...