Marantz tt15-s1 Opinions? - Vinyl Engine - Vinyl Engine - The Home of the Turntable十二生肖分別對應十二個名稱: 1鼠、2牛、3虎、4兔、5龍、6蛇、 7馬、8羊、9猴、10雞、11狗、12 豬 ————— 1人、2妖、3仙、4佛、5龍、6鬼、 7冥、8魔、9邪、10聖、11神、12 獸 生日月份對應四個稱號:一到三月為&I've only got an hour or so on the TT15 but so far I really like it. I'm using it with my Grado Sonata. I bought a B-Stock TT15 and it has a new sealed Virtuoso which I might sell to recoup some of the cost of the TT so I can't comment on it but the rest ...