Vegas Pro 13 updated on June 11, 2015 - Sony Creative Software - Vegas video - ACID & Sound Forge au為什麼 電影里老外上廁所褲子總是脫到腳踝甚至拖到地上? 公廁又髒又冷,看上去也很變態,而且被黑幫爆頭也顯得特別不體面,光溜着大腿就掛了像話嗎。 好奇心按着我的頭,在14歲的夏天把自己反鎖在廁所里,把因為Vegas Pro 13 is a contemporary NLE designed for complete creative control. New features include advanced archival tools, sophisticated audio metering, and the Vegas Pro Connect mobile iPad companion app. Vegas Pro 13 comes complete with DVD ......