Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W150 Review - Digital Camera Reviews - Best Digital Camera Ratings ▲這名警察偷聽到嫌犯的「邪惡變態計畫」立刻破門而入準備逮捕,沒想到看到的景像讓他「哭著下跪道歉」…(source:LIFE編輯製作,請勿任意轉載) 哈囉大家好~我是FUFU編!今天要和大家分享的是幾個邪惡的小笑話。根據內涵社區的分享,某警察在巡視時經過某巷子忽然聽得一對In the brace of new Cyber-shot W models that Sony unveiled earlier in the year, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W150 falls squarely in the middle in terms of both price and features. You can get a bit more resolution by spending more, but in terms of zoom range a...