Sony Walkman W202 Review | 大燈連閃3下什麼意思?很多老司機都不知道!(網絡圖片/以下圖片來源) 相信不少車主朋友都遇到過這種情況:綠燈亮了,前方車子還不走。大多數車主的第一選擇就是狂按喇叭,有的直接將頭伸出窗外,大嗓門喊話。其實,城區許多路段都是禁止鳴笛的,此舉不僅可能招致前車的反感,還有可能遭交警處罰哦。車行After around 3 weeks of good use of W202 player, I think it is time that I share some insights, likes and dislikes of this interesting wearable Walkman. Also check out the pictorial and the video below! My main reason of owning this piece of technology wa...