Sony Xperia S, Acro S, Ion - XDA Forum - Android Forum for Mobile Phones, Tablets, Watches & Android相信許多男人都會面臨到這個問題,刮鬍子後發現有紅腫和面皰的現象,或者是肌膚變得乾燥敏感,這是因為刮鬍時會破壞肌膚表層、角質層和具保護功能的皮脂膜,因此很容易對肌膚造成傷害,不要以為動作再仔細就不會受傷,其實有些傷口是肉眼看不見的,如果不加以保養,長期下來肌膚就會變得粗糙,究竟刮鬍後應該怎麼保養呢?現The Sony Xperia S is an Android smartphone from Sony launched at the 2012 CES event. It is the first Sony-only branded smartphone after Sony acquired Ericsson's stake in Sony Ericsson in January 2012. The Xperia S has a 4.3" touch-screen with the mobile ....