How to use AR effect with Xperia™ Z1 from Sony - YouTube 有些戀愛開始了,但卻不是因為愛。在愛情的名義下,藏著的撲朔迷離的隱情。可能是物質上的誘惑,可能是難以管束的虛榮心,或者忍受不了孤獨的滋味、慾望的煎熬。這些光芒,有時比愛情本身更具誘惑力。以下六種戀愛誘惑,女人要遠離。記得給自己的感情一片淨土,記得給愛情找一個正當的出口。 1.愛他的財Add more fun to your images with the augmented reality app in Xperia™ Z1 from Sony. Select the AR effect app from the menu on the camera screen, choose a theme, and the camera automatically adds entertaining effects to the photo. All you need to do next i...