System in package - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia電燈泡 在英國,燈泡的包裝紙上都有警告--Do not put that object into your mouth.意思是不要把燈泡放進口中。他奶奶的...那有人會放這東西進口中?英國人都有些白痴..告訴你,世事無絕對!有天我和一個印度朋友在家中看電視,我和他談到這件事,他告訴我他A system in package (SiP) or system-in-a-package, also known as a Chip Stack MCM. An SiP is a number of integrated circuits enclosed in a single module (package). The SiP performs all or most of the functions of an electronic system, and are typically use...